How I was drawn to Software Engineering

19 Jan 2017

Software engineering is something that really caught my attention after High-School. I had just graduated a year early from High-School and was lucky enough to be good friends with the director if IT at my High-School. One thing led to another and few interviews later, he gave me the position. My job consisted of basic hardware trouble-shooting and networking. If my boss wasn’t there, and something technology related stopped working, I was the one to step in and fix it. This job began to get me curious about more advanced topics and jobs related to computers and technology in general. The whole idea of just working with technology and helping people made me enjoy the job that much more. I always wanted to learn how to code and that was something I couldn’t really learn on the job. After a bit of research I decided to settle on pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

One of the things I am interested in learning more about in software engineering is website design. I want to be able to build great websites fast and efficiently. Having this tool to be able to make my own website is crucial for the job market. I am also hoping to be able to have a professional portfolio that effectively reflects my professional persona to potential recruiters. Just being able to link a webpage that has everything a potential company needs is a great thing. I also want to learn how to perform well in an interview. Being trained how to code fast and in a high stress environment, like in an interview, is a very important skill to have. Taking ICS 314 should make me more competent in that setting.

In the future I want to be able to learn how to do network security. I have found viruses, hacking, and other things related to the bad side of software to be interesting as well. I feel learning to combat these harmful practices and preventing them in the first place would be a very fun thing to do.